New Heidner member – Patogen Analyse AS

Patogen Analyse AS is the newest member of Heidner.

Publisert 3. mars 2017
Revidert 27. oktober 2020
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New Heidner member – Patogen Analyse AS

The company is located in Ålesund, has a turnover of 60 mill NOK and 32 employees. CEO Jørn Ulheim is familiar with the Heidner Cluster from his previous position as CEO in Cryogenetics, and highlights the competence within bioeconomy and big data in the Heidner companies as one of the main reasons why they wanted to join the cluster.

For Heidner, the PatoGen membership contributes to a stronger blue-green collaboration together with the other «blue» members AquaGen and Cryogenetics.
Read more (in norwegian)
Jørn Ulheim, CEO PatoGen Analyse AS

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