Heidner Biocluster and Digital Norway in Digital Transformation Partnership

The vast majority of the Heidner Biocluster members have identified digital transformation as a critical business activity in the years to come.

Publisert 16. mars 2018
Revidert 27. oktober 2020
Skrevet av brit
Heidner Biocluster and Digital Norway in Digital Transformation Partnership

The businesses see digitalisation as a great opportunity for growth and innovation, yet at the same time realise that the digital transformation itself is no easy task. For this reason, Heidner Biocluster have teamed up with Digital Norway – a non-profit partnership owned by 15 of Norway’s leading corporations to offer a four-day intensive workshop to provide our members with the knowledge needed to succeed with their digital ambitions.

Date: 26th- 27th of April and 23rd-24th of May, 2018.

For more information, please see the attached invitation and information folder (in Norwegian).

Invitasjon digitalt kompetanseløft for Heidner Biocluster

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NCE Heidner Biocluster

NCE Heidner Biocluster
Holsetgata 22
2317 Hamar

Innlandet Fylkeskommune Innovasjon Norge Cluster management


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