BioSmia help secure design pilot funding for Norsvin

Norsvin was one of a few select companies to qualify for funding through the DIP-programme in 2016. DIP, or Design-Driven Innovation Programme is led by the Norwegian Centre for Design and Architechture (DOGA) and the purpose is to motivate companies to employ design thinking as a method in their innovation projects.

Publisert 25. januar 2017
Revidert 27. oktober 2020
Skrevet av brit
BioSmia help secure design pilot funding for Norsvin
Fotokred_hvit (c) Bowie15 |

Tone Blixøen, project manager in BioSmia worked with Norsvin to identify project candidates and helped Norsvin in the application process. She explains: «Design thinking is one of the key proven tools that we in BioSmia use to help companies identify and catalyse innovation ideas towards market.» BioSmia is led by Hedmark Kunnskapspark and is part of the Heidner eco-system for innovation. Project managers work closely with Heidner companies and others to identify new possibilities for innovation, establish innovation projects and actively contribute value to the project phase. BioSmia acts as a partner for companies who in some way feel that they need help with their innovation processes. This could be due to a shortage on time, lack of a specific competence, or lack of capital.

Currently, Norsvin and BioSmia are having meetings with several design consultancies in order to choose a working partner for the project which Norsvin hopes will result in increased profitability for their clients – the pig farmers.
The next application deadline for the Design-driven Innovation Programme is May 11.

BioSmia is at the ready to offer help on idea identification and application writing – contact BioSmia Project Manager

Målfrid Narum, Gustav Grøholt and Marte Evju of Norsvin and Tone Blixøen, BioSmia Innovation Centre in meetings with design consultancies EGGS Design and DesignIt.
(Photo: Tone Blixøen)

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