Well received "Biotown" – conference

The conference «Biotown 2016» on september 22nd was very well received, and around 120 people joined us at Hamar Kulturhus.

Publisert 23. september 2016
Revidert 27. oktober 2020
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Well received "Biotown" – conference

The key note speaker, Sigrun Elsa Smaradottir from Matis, Iceland, gave a very interesting lecture on increased value creation, focusing on the blue bioeconomy. We also learned about many great examples of possibilities and products from Norway and Innlandet.
The objective of Biotown this year was to have a discussion regarding the possibilities that follow a joint effort in bioeconomy – and this is what we got! Hedmark fylkeskommune, Innovasjon Norge and the industry all agreed that we need to work together for Innlandet to take a leading role in the «new» bioeconomy.
Thank you for joining us at Biotown 2016!
Introduction to Biotown by Cluster manager, Anders Øfsti


Download the presentations here:
Sigrun Elsa Smaradottir, Matis Iceland
Thomas Breen, Hedmark fylkeskommune
Frank Larsen, Hedmark Kunnskapspark
Olav Eik-Nes, Norsvin
Reidar Bergene-Holm, Bergene Holm
Even Mengshoel, Skogoffensiven Hedmark og Oppland fylkeskommuner
Heidi Alvestrand, Norilia
Kristin Børresen, Graminor
Svein Håvard Sørum, Strand Unikorn
Rafi Ahmad, Høgskolen i Hedmark
Christian Hedløv Engh, Innovasjon Norge 

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NCE Heidner Biocluster

NCE Heidner Biocluster
Holsetgata 22
2317 Hamar

Innlandet Fylkeskommune Innovasjon Norge Cluster management


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